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Friday, May 21, 2010

My life as a KMK`s student....!

Hello! hai! Ola! n so on.. dat we owez used to greet people..
so today, i would like to share with all of you.. something that had `landed` in my life...
and actually it is pretty difficult for me to believe!- i`m a matriculation student!

now, let`s move to first chapter which is.. MINGGU ORENTASI..
i had to wake up EARLY in da morning-4 am.. i only spent around 3 hours to sleep.. can u imagin..?
at first, i can`t make use all this.. but then.. oyearh! thanx God! i manage to arrange my time properly...

the `MINGGU ORENTASI` teach me to be very punctual and of course, inow, i understand how precious TIME is!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


  there`s only 1 thing, 2 say, 3 words 4 u...

  I LOVE YOU....!!!

  As everybody knows,today 9th of Mei is a special day for someone that we call MOM.
My beloved mother is MARDIANA MUHAMAD. I really love her because she had sacrifised everything to me..
For many people, teacher is like a candle. But for me.. my mother is like a candle.. her sacrification make me feel that she is willing to let herself  burning in the light.  She has to sacrifise herself for me..to give a beautiful light (life). I keep thinking.. and asking myself..
"If i am a mother, would i sacrifise everything like what my mom had done..?"
and untill now..,i can`t find the answer..

  My mom will only go to bed at 1 or 2 a.m EVERYDAY and has to wake up before 5.30 a.m EVERYDAY to prepare breakfast for her 7 children..After return from office, she will continue finishing all the house chores..even tho she knows the house chores have no END! I have not hear my mom make any complaint.. In fact she always smile as she said, smile can bring the happiness in one`s family.
Can you imagin?

  When I already finished my SPM`s examination, I told my mom that i`ll do all sorts of house chores.. I don`t want my mom fell sick.. I don`t want my mom feel exhausted anymore.. I LOVE MY MOM! Everyday, i keep doing the same things.. washed clothes.., sweep the floor, mopped the floor..prepare the breakfast..lunch..dinner and even for supper.. I`m not allowing my mom to help me. Instead, I will ask my sisters to assist me. By this way, we can feel what my mom had felt when she`d all the house chores ALONE!

  I want to share this with all of you out there.. Actually, I can`t look into my mom eyes or else I`ll cry..But I`m sure nobody will drown in my tears..hahha.. In fact, I`m the one who drown.. I DROWN IN MY MOM`s LOVE.. So, I`d promise to my self-DO NOT REBEL AGAINST MY PARENTS! 

  Lastly, I want to wish all MOTHERS in the WORLD, HAPPY MOTHER`S DAY!  
Mom, don`t worry, i always go along with your tempo! *smile*

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Don’t talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking - Times Online

Salam. Maaf, sebelum entri seterusnya di`post`kan.., jom kita share skit ilmu yg kita ada.
have fun!

Sila klik link di sini:
Don’t talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking - Times Online

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

entri kedua

Biarpun masa terus berlalu, kenangan antara kita tak mungkin dapat kulupakan. Andai kenangan itu hampir gugur, akan kugantungkannya tinggi di langit, akan kusulamkan dengan awan nan biru,akan kubajai dengan selimut bayu...

Hampir dua bulan aku tidak `didatangi` setangkai ros putih yang misteri. Pada mulanya tidak pernah terlintas di fikiranku untuk terus memikirkan tentang kehadirannya. Namun, harus diri ini akui, hampir setiap pagi aku menantikan kehadirannya.. Namun, sekarang aku mula membuat konklusiku sendiri itulah yang pertama dan yang terakhir..

Atri! wey! ko ni nape..? dah dekat dua bulan aku kena gi kolej naik bas.. nape ko tak tunggu aku?
Eh, aina.. nak marah-marah pulak! sapa suh ko tu bersiap macam mak datin..? bangun lambat.. mandi lagi la.. aku kena cept la.. nk jumpa prof.. 
Prof..?! mksud ko..? Prof Malik? tentang idea ko tu ke..? ha, macam mana? dia setuju?
Alhamdulillah.., Prof terima. tapi katanya, lebih baik skopnya di perluas. Jadi, dia kata tu akn dia jadikan assigment tuk kita. and, dia akan terangkan kt kawan-kawan yang lain next class..
What?! wey, tambah lagi la beban aku nanti....! kat sekolah dulu homework, kat sini.... ASSIGNMENT! Oh TIDAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

entri pertama

Biarpun masa terus berlalu, kenangan antara kita tak mungkin dapat kulupakan. Andai kenangan itu hampir gugur, akan kugantungkannya tinggi di langit, akan kusulamkan dengan awan nan biru,akan kubajai dengan selimut bayu...

`ting tong! ting tong!`
Adoy sape plak ni.. dtg pagi2 buta.. takkn pkcik posmen ni masuk keje pukul 6..? pukul bpe subuh dia..? 
La..? mana orgnye..? tak de sape pon.. aik...? ni sape plak yang tertinggal bunge ni..? ros putih plak tu... buang jer la.. ey jap! tapi kan..., cantik la.. urm... wanginyer.. rasa segar.. kalau la tiap2 pagi ada orang hantar bunga ros putih kat aku..kan best! hahahha. bunge2..., sian ko..drp aku buang, lebih baik aku amik. aku simpan kau dalm pasu aku ye...

Lin, kau tahu tak, pagi tadi kan, sebelum datang kolej, ada orang tekan loceng rumah aku..
So aku bukak la.. tapi kan.. tak de orang.. yang ada, ros putih... 
pastu ko buat apa ngn bunga tu..?
mula2 aku igt aku nk buang jer.. tapi tbe2 aku nmpak bunga tu cntik sgt.. wangi plak tu...kau pun tahu kan.., aku mmg suka ros putih.. suci u! hahhahaha
Ada2 la ko ni.. tak de kad kat celah2 bunga tu..?
Celah2 mendenye..? bunga tu pun sekuntum jer.. bukan sejambak! 
Ooo mana aku taw.. ko tak gtau..Ey agk2 kan, esok ko dapt lgi tak..?
Ntah la.. wallahu`alam..  

white rose petals

make a change dinky!

Salam. Hello DUNIA! Hello SEMUA! 
semua..? hahhaaha.
sound so funny aku cma ada 2 follower! hahaha tuk masa ini....
Hari ni aku nk wat sedikit perubahan.. Aku rasa aku nak tulis cite bersiri kat blog aku..
hehehehe..tawu nape..? 

kalau sape yang rapat ngan aku dorg mesti tawu.
tu la ayat yang lebih kurang macam motto idup aku.. so aku yakin, aku pelakonnya.. korang yang baca pon.. turut sama berlakon.
Mungkin cerita kita berbeza. tapi hkikatnya, kita tetap sama. Kerana apa..?
Kerana kita PELAKON di pentas kita sendiri.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

siapa follower aku..?


Salam.. Huh! da lme gak tak post pape..
sekarang., bila aku bukak tadi.., tiba-tiba aku nampak ada 2 follower..
AIK! maksudnye.., da ada orang yang follow aku..
da jumpa aku....!
aku baru nak mulakan luahan perasaan di sini..
port aku di mana hanya aku yang tahu..
tempat di mana tiada siapa yang menegenali aku..
tapi..... bila aku tgk follower aku.., dia ialah.. DIA!
memang aku follow dia tapi da agak lama. sebelum ni pon, dia tak pernah follow aku. mugkin ini petanda bahawa aku perlu simpan , pendam perasaan aku daripada dikongsi bersama...